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                                                       Sunday School groups

Adult classes:

Seekers: Meet upstairs in Room 305 at 8am. Led by Randy Fluke. 


M-Squad: Meet upstairs in Room 303 (conference room) at 8:15am. Led by Ben and Jeanne Horning. 


Agape: Meet upstairs in Room 306 after Sunday service. Led by multiple class members. Any questions, see Laura Buffington or Lisa Heckman.


Upper Room:  Meet in the overflow after Sunday service. Led by Dave McCachren. 

Koinonia (pronounced coin-ah-nee-ah) is a Greek word meaning fellowship. At First Church, Koinonia is a service and social group that meets once a month and is open to all women of the church. Some meetings are held at the church and others are held in members’ homes. Activities we’ve done in previous years include: helping with Homespun and Turkey Dinner preparations, assembling craft kits for an Advent craft night, coordinating gift bags & visits to shut-in members, Christmas potluck dinner/party, game night, bake auction to raise funds for our activities, Christmas party and Easter Egg Hunt for children of the church, bingo with residents of a local nursing home, end of year dinner at Bread of Life Restaurant in June, summer picnic. All women are welcome to join us for fun and fellowship. If you have questions or would like to know more, you can speak to or call Lynne Westlin or Laura Buffington.  Call the church office for more details. We’d love to have you join us and we welcome new ideas!


First United Methodist Church, Lewistown, PA 17044  ~  717-248-4618   ~

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